As a doctoral candidate, I proposed a game-for-change to teach about injustice. Play to learn about the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) treaty delineating basic rights children should be afforded, such as family, food, freedom of expression, and the right to be heard. All UN nations ratified but one. The U.S.A. is still outstanding. Research reflects that digital game-based learning (DGBL) can bring about change for good. Games can educate while adjusting attitudes (Gee, 2008; Jones, 2008), and a Virtual Reality platform can advance the experience to disseminate the information exponentially.
Over half of marriages in the USA end in divorce (Centers for Disease Control, 2014). What if they disagree over child issues? Children are divided like assets without their words being heard. CRC Article #12 states children should have the right to be heard in legal proceedings affecting them. I led the CRC Florida Grassroots Committee, worked with Denise Brown, speaking about domestic violence effects on children, and was appointed by Justice O'Connor to the iCivics Teacher’s Council to support games created to educate about government and civic responsibility. This established network and my doctoral committee’s expertise supported the development of a game to educate about the CRC designed to address the needs of children still in the US, as reflected in the game with crowd-sourced scenarios. Originally proposed to be delivered in the classroom, using the real-world scenes to reveal the need for the players to take action moved it to where learning is happening in the real world amongst adults... designed to be in the MetaQuest VR environment where players can play-to-learn anywhere, anytime. The overall intent of this was to disseminate the information to a wider population of adults who have voting privileges. With a team of talented university students, faculty and Unity expert, the game is in the last phase of development using Unity open source software to be delivered as an immersive first-player experience. Contact me to support the cause and join the TEAM in developing and disseminating the game to educate and ultimately make a difference for children. |